예를 들어 설명하는 42가지 영어 말하기

/ 2020. 2. 13. 12:23








    For example ... 예를 들어를 대신하여 쓸 수 있거나, 예를 들기위해 혹은 부가적인 예를 들기 위해 설명하는 방법에는 여러가지가 있습니다. 한국말로도 여러가지가 있듯이 말입니다. 예를 들어, 예를 들자면, 다른말로 설명하자면, 비슷한 예로, 등등 말입니다.









    *For instance


    *...As seen in...


    *As seen in


    *In particular


    *To show you what I mean




    *As in


    *In other words




    *Case in point


    *By the way of illustration




    *In a similar case


    *As proof


    *Let's say


    *Like this


    *An example being




    *Pretend that


    *Note well




    *Examples include


    *As you can see in the...


    *Consider the example of


    *One example is




    *To give you an idea


    *As a case in point


    *Such as


    *That is to say...


    *These include


    *Suppose that


    *If you look at


    *This can be seen when




    *This includes


    *This is illustrated


    *To illustrate






    *As an example


    *Which is made apparent when...





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